Why I am not buying the new Band Aid 30 single
I remember the first one. I was about six years old or so and innocently used to bop to it without paying too much attention to the lyrics. But as I got older and Christmas swung around again, I actually started to feel increasingly irritated when the song came on air. Image © of Anthony London @ EbolaPhone If you've not heard the 'Feed the World' lyrics , let me recount some of them for you in all their shameful glory. I will also provide you with the asides I would add when the song would play..... "Well there won't be snow in Africa this Christmas time" (well duh! There's never any snow unless you are in the southern part of the continent) "The greatest gift they'll get this year is life" (how condescending we are not all starving, diseased and poor) "Where nothing ever grows" (yep nothing ever grows but the rest of the world still manages to source a hell of a lot of fruit and veg from there) "...